Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (2024)




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    Introducing BARISTA CREATIONS – our range of coffees specially designed to go with milk. Inspired by the expertise of the world’s finest baristas. Our ambition was to make it easy for you to create perfectly crafted coffee and milk recipes, like café-style cappuccinos, latte macchiatos or flat whites, easily in the comfort of your home. It all starts with getting the coffee blend just right… We hope you enjoy bringing your new creations to life. Try our coffee capsule assortment pack of 50 capsules, to get that perfect coffee with milk.


    Many enjoy drinking coffee, but want to limit their caffeine intake for health reasons or other personal preferences. The Nespresso decaffeinated coffee blends are an excellent alternative. The Nespresso Decaffeinato blends offers true Nespresso coffees, each with their own rich aroma and natural characters preserved through the decaffeination process. Our decaf coffee can be enjoyed with milk, where you will taste the irresistible sweet biscuity and caramel notes with a hint of lively fruit aromas.


    Not sure which coffee capsule flavour to get? Start with what other coffee lovers enjoy the most. Our best Nespresso capsules are packed in a 50-capsule pack. This assortment will be delivered in individual sleeves. For milk coffee drinks, you can choose our best Nespresso capsules for latte which will allow you to discover new coffee experiences when enjoyed with milk.


    Explore all the different coffee styles that Nespresso Vertuo has to offer. Using an innovative Centrifusion™ extraction Technology for a full-bodied coffee with a rich crema, at a touch of a button. From an Espresso to a Carafe, there is a Vertuo coffee to suit your every mood. Learn more about theVertuo coffee machine rangetoday.

    ');// }else if(SelectCoffeeBadge == "exclusive"){// $($('.ProductListElement__image')[x]).prepend('


    ');// }else if(SelectCoffeeBadge == "new"){// $($('.ProductListElement__image')[x]).prepend('


    ');// }else if(SelectCoffeeBadge == "online-exclusive"){// $($('.ProductListElement__image')[x]).prepend('


    '); // }// }// }// })// }// coffeesPLP_update()// },3000)

    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (1)

    Looking at a subscription plan? Find the plan that best suits you.

    Looking at a subscription plan? Find the plan that best suits you.

    • Plan
    • Machine
    • Plan Price

    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (2)

    • SOLO

    • Essenza Mini
    • SGD 40 monthly

    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (3)

    • DUO

    • Vertuo Pop
    • SGD 50 monthly

    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (4)

    • FAMILY

    • Vertuo Next
    • SGD 70 monthly

    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (5)

    • Café-At-Home

    • Lattissima One
    • SGD 90 monthly



    For the health and safety of our employees, we’ve adapted our coffee production processes in our factories based in Switzerland. To continue delivering you coffee moments, we are focusing production on global favorite coffees. We hope to be able to offer our full range of coffees to you soon. Our coffee expertise team has carefully selected alternative but similar profiled coffees for you to try in the meantime.

    ') $('.coffee_oos_banner').append(coffeeOos) $('#coffeeOos').show()} }},4000);var modalOos = document.querySelector(".coffeeOosModel");var triggerOos = document.querySelector(".coffeeOosModel-trigger");var closeButtonOos = document.querySelector(".close-button-oos");function toggleModalcoffeeOos() {modalOos.classList.toggle("show-modal");}function windowOnClick(event) {if ( === modalOos) { toggleModalcoffeeOos();}}triggerOos.addEventListener("click", toggleModalcoffeeOos);closeButtonOos.addEventListener("click", toggleModalcoffeeOos);window.addEventListener("click", windowOnClick);").appendTo($('.ProductDetails__information'));}else if(RecycledLogo == "RA-logo-promo"){$("

    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (8)

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    " ); } }); } new casperEventHub.Experience("anonymous") .visitorIs({ status: "anonymous", }) .executeOnMatch(function (data) { console.log("I've tested here"); defer(function () { setTimeout(function () { init(); }, 1000); jQuery(window).resize(function () { setTimeout(function () { init(); }, 1000); }); jQuery("body").on("click", function () { setTimeout(function () { if (jQuery(".opt-top-product").length == 0) { init(); } }, 1000); }); jQuery("body").on( "click", ".opt-top-product .AddToBagButton__container", function () { gaPushEvent( "customEvent", "User Engagement", "Test 3.01", "Test 3.01 - Tagged Capsule Add to Cart Click" ); } ); }, "nb-sku-coffee"); }) .evaluate();



    \n Quick view\n

    \n \n `; 0 === $(this).find('.opt-quick-link__wrapper').length && $(e).insertAfter( $(this).find('.cb-content > .cb-text').length ? $(this).find('.cb-content > .cb-text') : $(this).find('.cb-content > .cb-heading') ); }); }, o = (t) => { setTimeout(() => { t.find('.AddToBagButton__container .VisuallyHidden').text().includes('out of stock') ? ($('.opt-popover__price-ATC-text').text('out of stock'), $('.opt-popover__price-ATC-button').addClass('disable'), $('.opt-popover__price-ATC-button').prop('disabled', !0), $('.opt-popover__price-ATC-number').hide()) : t.find('.AddToBagButton__container .VisuallyHidden').text().includes('zero') ? ($('.opt-popover__price-ATC-number').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-ATC-text').text('add to basket')) : ($('.opt-popover__price-ATC-number') .show() .text( t.find('.AddToBagButtonLarge__quantity').text() ? t.find('.AddToBagButtonLarge__quantity').text() : t.find('.AddToBagButtonSmall__quantity').text() ), $('.opt-popover__price-ATC-text').text('update basket')); }, 500); }, p = (t) => { $('.opt-popover__feature').each(function () { for (let e = 0; e < t[$(this).attr('data-type')]; e++) $(this).find('.opt-popover__feature-ratings .opt-popover__feature-rating').eq(e).addClass('active'); }); }, n = (t, e, o) => { const i = window.cupSVG, n = t.features; p(n); try { napi .catalog() .getProduct(e) .then((t) => { if ((t.capsuleProperties && p(t.capsuleProperties), t.capsuleCupSizes)) { const sku=t.legacyId; if(sku==='7242.50' || sku==='7243.50'){t.capsuleCupSizes[0]='Alto (355 ml)';} const e = `\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${t.capsuleCupSizes .map( (t) => `\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${ i[t] ? i[t] : '\n\t\t\t\n\t\t' }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t` ) .join('')}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`; 0 === $('.opt-popover__cup-sizes').length && $(e).appendTo('.opt-popover__cup-size'); } ((t, e) => { var o = e.find('.cb-image > a > img').attr('src'); t.images && t.images.main && (o = t.images.main), t.slides && t.slides.length && (o = t.slides[0]'lifestyle') > -1 ? t.slides[1].url : t.slides[0].url), $('.opt-popover__image-wrapper img').attr('src', `${o}`), $('.opt-popover__image-mobile-wrapper img').attr('src', `${o}`), $('.opt-popover__image-mobile-wrapper').removeClass('square'), $('opt-popover__image-wrapper').removeClass('square'); })(t, o); }), $('.opt-popover__price-text-detail, .opt-popover__price-text-unit').show(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } }, r = async (t, e) => { $('.opt-popover__assortment-container').empty(); for (const e of t.assortments) try { await napi .catalog() .getProduct(e) .then((e) => { if(t.assortments.length < 2){ var capQty = "X20"; const t = `\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCoffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (10)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${} ${capQty}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`; $(t).appendTo('.opt-popover__assortment-container'); console.log("bottom"); } else if (($('.opt-popover__assortment-item').length) < t.assortments.length) { var capQty = "X10"; // if( == "Maple Pecan"){ // capQty = "X20"; // } // capQty = "7784.50" === e.internationalId?"X20":"X10"; const t = `\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCoffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (11)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${} ${capQty}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`; $(t).appendTo('.opt-popover__assortment-container'); console.log($('.opt-popover__assortment-item').length); } }), $('.opt-popover__price-text-detail, .opt-popover__price-text-unit').hide(); } catch (t) { console.log(t); } if (t.assortments.length > 5) { for (i = 5; i < t.assortments.length; i++) $('.opt-popover__assortment-item').eq(i).addClass('mobile-hide'); $( `\n\t\t\t


    View all capsules





    ` ).insertAfter('.opt-popover__assortment-container'), $('.opt-popover__view-all-container').click(function () { $('.opt-popover__assortment-item').removeClass('mobile-hide'), $(this).hide(); }); } ((t, e) => { var o = e.find('.cb-image > a > img').attr('src'); t.img && (o = t.img), (yy = t.img_align ? 'opt-centered' : ''), $('.opt-popover__image-wrapper img').attr('src', `${o}`).addClass(yy), $('.opt-popover__image-mobile-wrapper img').attr('src', `${o}`).addClass(yy),'square') > -1 ||'sku-main-info-product/pierre-herme_vl3-limited-edition') > -1 ? ($('.opt-popover__image-mobile-wrapper').addClass('square'), $('.opt-popover__image-wrapper').addClass('square')) : ($('.opt-popover__image-mobile-wrapper').removeClass('square'), $('opt-popover__image-wrapper').removeClass('square')); })(t, e); }, a = async (t, e) => { const p = e.find('.cb-price-current > span').text().trim(), i = e.find('.cb-price-items.cb-show-sleeve').text(), a = (Number(p.replace(/^\D+/g, '')) * Number(i.split('(')[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''))).toFixed(2); $('.opt-popover__content').empty(); const s = window.optData303.find((e) => === t), //sn = e.find('.opt-popover__price-text-detail').text('1 set (24 capsules)'), d = `\n\t\t\t



    \n\t\t\t\t\t\tCoffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (12)\n\t\t\t\t\t




    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t${e .find('.cb-heading > a') .text()}\n\t\t\t\t\t


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    \n\t\t\t\t\t\tCoffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (13)\n\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t${ s.assortments || == "133499" || == '133496' ? '


    ' : `


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcup size\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t



    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${[ { text: 'BITTERNESS', value: 'bitterness' }, { text: 'ACIDITY', value: 'acidity' }, { text: 'ROASTINESS', value: 'roastLevel' }, { text: 'BODY', value: 'body' }, ] .map( (t) => `\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${ t.text }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${Array.from( Array(5).keys() ) .map( () => '\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t' ) .join('')}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t` ) .join('')}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    ` }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t




    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t${ s.assortments ||'133499' || == '133496' ? p : `SGD ${a}` }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFor ${ == '133499' || == '133496' ? `1 set (24 capsules)` : i}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ${'133499' || == '133496' ? `` : `

    \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPer capsule: ${p}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

    ` } \n\t\t\t\t\t\t






    \n\t\t`; $(d).appendTo('.opt-popover__content'); const c = JSON.parse(e.attr('data')).salesMultiple; return ( ((t, e, p) => { const i = `\n\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t${Array.from( Array(15).keys() ) .map( (e) => `\n\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t` ) .join( '' )}\n\t\t\t




    \n\t\t\t\t\t\tThe quantity you have selected is invalid.\n\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWe have modified the quantity to 0\n\t\t\t\t\t






    \n\t\t\t\t\t\tYou can purchase this product only by multiples of 10.\n\t\t\t\t\t


    \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWe have modified the quantity to \n\t\t\t\t\t










    \n\t\t`; $(i).appendTo('.opt-popover__price-bottom-right'), o(t); })(e, 0, c), s.assortments ? r(s, e) : n(s, t, e), { unitQty: c, ele: e } ); }, s = () => { $('.opt-popover__price-number-pad').show(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-info').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-info-two').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').val(''); }, d = (t) => { $(window).click(function () { $('.opt-popover__price-pad-container').hide(), s(); }), $('.opt-popover__price-ATC-button').click(function (t) { t.stopPropagation(), $('.opt-popover__price-pad-container').show(); }), $('.opt-popover__price-pad-container').click(function (t) { t.stopPropagation(); }), $('.opt-popover__price-number-pad-item').click(function () { window.CartManager.updateItem(`${$(this).attr('data-id')}`, $(this).attr('data-qty')).then(() => { $('.opt-popover__price-pad-container').hide(), o(t.ele); }); }), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').focus(function () { $(this).addClass('focus'), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input-label').addClass('focus'); }), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').focusout(function () { $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').val() || ($(this).removeClass('focus'), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input-label').removeClass('focus')); }), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input-btn').click(function () { const e = $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').val(); e && Number(e) % t.unitQty == 0 ? window.CartManager.updateItem(`${$(this).attr('data-id')}`, $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').val()).then(() => { $('.opt-popover__price-pad-container').hide(), o(t.ele), s(); }) : 0 === Number(e) ? ($('.opt-popover__price-number-pad').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-info').show(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-info-two').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').val(0)) : ($('.opt-popover__price-number-pad').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-info').hide(), $('.opt-popover__price-number-info-two').show(), $('.opt-modify').text(Math.ceil(Number(e) / t.unitQty) * t.unitQty), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input').val(Math.ceil(Number(e) / t.unitQty) * t.unitQty)); }), $('.opt-popover__price-number-input-label').click(function () { $('.opt-popover__price-number-input input')[0].focus(); }); }, c = () => { $('.opt-quick-link__wrapper').unbind('click'), $('.opt-quick-link__wrapper').click(function () { const t = $(this).attr('data-id'); a(t, $(this).closest('.nb-sku__coffee')).then((t) => { $('.opt-popover__container').addClass('opt-popover__container-active'), $('body').addClass('modal-open'), $('html').addClass('modal-open'), d(t); }); }), $('.opt-popover__overlay, .opt-popover__close').click(function () { $('.opt-popover__container').removeClass('opt-popover__container-active'), $('body').removeClass('modal-open'), $('html').removeClass('modal-open'); }); }; t(() => { ($ = jQuery.noConflict()), console.clear(); $('body').addClass('opt303 opt303-v-1'), (() => { const t = window.optData303Icons.close; $( `\n\t\t\t









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Round, with some cacao-like bitterness and full body.", img: "", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "131915", name: "Festive 30 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Infiniment Espresso, Infiniment Gourmand & Infiniment Fruité", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16672193740830/3-SLV-Assortment-OL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png", assortments: ["7769.70", "7770.70", "7771.70"],},{ id: "131916", name: "Festive Intense 50 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Infiniment Espresso, Infiniment Gourmand, Infiniment Fruité, Arpeggio & Istanbul Espresso", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16672185647134/5-SLV-Assortment-OL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png", assortments: ["7769.70", "7770.70", "7771.70", "7765.50", "7738.50"],},{ id: "7771.70", name: "Infiniment Espresso", desc: "An espresso that makes an art form of black coffee in playing with the tastes of Arabica from Tolima, Colombia.", img: "/shared_res/agility/global/coffees/ol/sku-main-info-product/infiniment-espresso.png", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "7770.70", name: "Infiniment Gourmand", desc: "Elegant roasted hazelnut flavour brings the artistry of fine patisserie to this festive season’s smooth flavoured espresso.", img: "/shared_res/agility/global/coffees/ol/sku-main-info-product/infiniment-gourmand.png", features: { body: 2 },},{ id: "7769.70", name: "Infiniment Fruité", desc: "Our piquant flavoured espresso for this festive season—the alluring raspberry flavour in artistic balance with a cereal-noted coffee blend.", img: "/shared_res/agility/global/coffees/ol/sku-main-info-product/infiniment-fruite.png", features: { body: 2 },},{ id: "131913", name: "Barista Creations 30 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Inspired by the creativity and expertise of the world’s finest baristas, discover a coffee range made for you to create delicious coffee recipes at home.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16142538801182/3-SLV-Assortment-OL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png", assortments: ["7760.50", "7762.50", "7752.50"],},// {// id: "7784.50",// name: "Pumpkin Spice Cake",// desc: "Pumpkin spice cake flavoured coffee with notes of cloves, cinnamon and cardamom",// img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16218792296478/Pumpkin-Spice-Cake-OL-PDP-Desktop-6000x337.png",// features: { body: 1 },// },{ id: "7762.50", name: "Chiaro", desc: "The light-roasted Arabicas form our sweetest and smoothest blend for coffee with milk.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/chiaro_L.png", features: { body: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 1 },},{ id: "7760.50", name: "Corto", desc: "Our punchiest Arabica-Robusta blend for a dash of milk.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/corto_L.png", features: { body: 1, bitterness: 5, roastLevel: 5 },},{ id: "7761.50", name: "Scuro", desc: "Both sweet dairy notes and a roasted coffee character make this our intense, yet balanced coffee with milk.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/scuro_XL.png", features: { body: 3, bitterness: 3, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: "7753.50", name: "Vanilla Éclair", desc: "Warming vanilla marks our smoothest flavoured blend with a rounded sweet taste and silky texture.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/vanilla-eclair_L.png", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "7751.50", name: "Caramel Crème Brulee ", desc: "Caramel flavour makes this our creamiest Barista Creations blend.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/caramel-creme-brulee_L.png", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "7752.50", name: "Cocoa Truffle ", desc: "Our most vibrant flavoured blend gets its rich and luxurious taste from the dark cocoa flavour.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/cocoa-truffle_L.png", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "118307", name: "Best Seller 50 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Perfect your coffee moments with this curated Best Seller 50 Capsules Assortment, which includes our best selling Nespresso coffee capsules.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/13940917895198/50BestSellerCapsules-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px.jpg", assortments: ["7742.50", "7748.50", "7765.50", "7755.50", "7733.70"],},{ id: "118308", name: "Perfect With Milk 50 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Perfect your coffee moments with this curated Perfect with Milk 50 Capsules Assortment which will allow you to discover new coffee experiences when enjoyed with milk.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/27304824078366/PerfectwMilk-assort-ProductResponsiveSquare-2000x2000px.png", img_align: "center", assortments: ["7748.50", "7543.40", "7760.50", "7761.50", "7767.50"],},{ id: "129544", name: "Our All-Time Favourites 100 Capsules Assortment", desc: "\tIn this collection lies a treasure trove of Nespresso’s all-time favourites. Discover your personal favourites through a sensorial experience like no other.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16275748683806/AllTimeFav-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px-NG.jpg", assortments: ["7741.50", "7748.50", "7765.50", "7747.50", "7745.50", "7722.70", "7761.50", "7733.70", "7586.50", "7755.50"],},{ id: "129543", name: "Moments of the Day 100 Capsules Assortment", desc: "\tEach capsule holds a moment in time. Whether it is a boost or something to help you unwind, Nespresso presents a collection of carefully selected coffee that will be a companion to your everyday moments.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16275603619870/MOTDay-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px-NG.jpg", assortments: ["7741.50", "7748.50", "7765.50", "7743.50", "7743.50", "7756.50", "7761.50", "7733.70", "7586.50", "7755.50"],},{ id: "129541", name: "Travel Around the World 100 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Each of these coffee is profoundly linked to its country of origin, thus reflecting its soul, climate, flavour and nuance. Discover the richness of far-flung terroirs with each sip of our coffee capsules.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16277577564190/TATWorld-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px-NG.jpg", assortments: ["7742.50", "7765.50", "7747.50", "7733.70", "7720.70", "7722.70", "7719.70", "7723.70", "7755.50", "7591.40"],},{ id: "7742.50", name: "Napoli", desc: "Our darkest and most intense roast that pays tribute to the Italian capital of coffee.", img: "", features: { body: 5 }, },{ id: "7741.50", name: "Kazaar", desc: "A long and dark roast inspired by the south of Italy and embracing the blend's wildness and spiciness", img: "", features: { body: 5 }, },{ id: "7748.50", name: "Ristretto", desc: "A medium, dark roast that reveals its intensity and aromas in a short and quick sip - a profile worthy of an iconic Italian taste.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7746.50", name: "Ristretto Decaffeinato", desc: "A medium, dark roast that reveals its intensity and aromas in a short and quick sip - a profile worthy of an iconic Italian tastes.", img: "/shared_res/agility/commons/img/coffees/OL/composition/ol_coffee-sleeves_ispirazione-ristretto-decaffeinato_16-9_2x.png", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7765.50", name: "Arpeggio", desc: "A blend of short and dark roasted Arabicas that draws influences from all Italy.", img: "", features: { body: 4 },},{ id: "7743.50", name: "Arpeggio Decaffeinato", desc: "A blend of short and dark roasted Arabicas that draws influences from all Italy.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7747.50", name: "Roma", desc: "The shortest and lightest roast of our Italian range, mirroring the finesse and its aromatics.", img: "/shared_res/agility/n-components/pdp/sku-main-info/coffee-sleeves/ol/ispirazione-roma_L.png", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "7749.50", name: "Ispirazione Venezia", desc: "Slowly roasted to harmonise arabica and robusta portions of the blend.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/13383904657438/C-0472-Main-PDP-IspirazioneItaliana-Venezia-OL.jpg", features: { body: 4 },},{ id: "7745.50", name: "Livanto ", desc: "Long, medium roasted Latin American Arabicas that deliver both a beautiful harmony and aromatic complexity.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7756.50", name: "Cape Town Lungo", desc: "Our most intense Lungo with a strong Robusta character.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7607.50", name: "Rio de Janeiro Espresso", desc: "An Arabica-only espresso with a complex split roast delivers a surprisingly full body and strong roasted notes graced with exotic herbal aromas", img: "", features: { body: 4 },},{ id: "7738.50", name: "Istanbul Espresso", desc: "A complex espresso full of wild aromatics and a balance of both bitter roasted and fruity notes, with a touch of acidity and an almond finish that hints at sweetness.", img: "", features: { body: 3 },},{ id: "7755.50", name: "Stockholm Lungo", desc: "A smooth, monsooned Lungo with remarkable intensity for a pure Arabica.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7847.50", name: "Paris Espresso", desc: "The most balanced of our World Explorations Espressos, delicate bitter and citrus notes enliven its mild cereal and biscuit character", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7758.50", name: "Tokyo Lungo", desc: "A refined and balanced Lungo coffee – best enjoyed black to savour the elegant, flowery aromas and complex tastes.", img: "", features: { body: 0 }, },{ id: "7590.40", desc: "A refined and balanced Lungo coffee – best enjoyed black to savour the elegant, flowery aromas and complex tastes.", img: "", features: { body: 0 }, },{ id: "7754.50", name: "Vienna Lungo", desc: "The perfectly balanced blend, delicious black, and ideal for the many recipes with milk or whipped cream.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7759.50", name: "Shanghai Lungo", desc: "A dynamic Lungo with the lowest bitterness and sweetest red fruits note ready to charm every modern coffee drinker.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7757.50", name: "Buenos Aires Lungo", desc: "Our mildest, sweetest lungo still welcomes a generous share of hot milk and sugar to create a warming respite from city life.", img: "", features: { body: 1 }, },{ id: "7733.70", name: "India", desc: "The blend containing India's unique Monsoon processed Robusta that gives this coffee its wild, intense and spicy taste.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7722.70", name: "Indonesia", desc: "Wet-hulled Arabica gives this coffee a distinctly Indonesian taste - thick and velvety with cured tobacco notes.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7720.70", name: "Colombia", desc: "The smooth but vivacious coffee full of winey red fruit notes that come from the blend's Colombian Late Harvest Arabica.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7723.70", name: "Nicaragua", desc: "A nectarous sweetness and satiny smoothness are the hallmarks of this blend's Nicaraguan coffee with Black-Honey processed Arabica.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7719.70", name: "Ethiopia", desc: "Our most delicately aromatic Master Origins coffee contains dry-processed Ethiopian Arabica that brings ripe fruit and floral aromas.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7589.50", name: "Capriccio", desc: "A deep but surprisingly refreshing espresso crafted from Arabica and Robusta beans.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7588.50", name: "Cosi", desc: "A light-roasted mild espresso full of world-renowned Arabicas with toasted cereal and fruity notes.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7586.50", name: "Volluto", desc: "A graceful South American Arabica espresso blend with sweet and light aromatics in harmony", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7587.50", name: "Volluto Decaffeinato", desc: "A graceful South American Arabica espresso blend with sweet and light aromatics in harmony", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "131912", name: "Barista Creations Vertuo 30 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Inspired by the creativity and expertise of the world’s finest baristas, discover a coffee range made for you to create delicious coffee recipes at home.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16142703919134/3-SLV-Assortment-VL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png", assortments: ["7230.50", "7204.50", "7204.50"],},{ id: "7230.50", name: "Bianco Piccolo", desc: "A rich roasted coffee crafted specifically for a perfect pairing with creamy milk in your shorter cups", img: "", features: { body: 5 }, },{ id: "7229.50", name: "Bianco Doppio", desc: "A smooth and caramelly light-roast Arabica blend crafted specifically for your larger milky coffees", img: "", features: { body: 2, acidity: 2, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 }, },{ id: "7204.50", name: "Bianco Forte ", desc: "The rich roasted and cereal notes of the dark-roasted Arabicas make this our most intense blend for coffee with milk.", img: "", features: { body: 2, acidity: 2, bitterness: 4, roastLevel: 5 },},{ id: "7209.50", name: "Chocolate Fudge", desc: "A smooth flavored coffee marked by its rich chocolate intensity.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7208.50", name: "Hazelino Muffin ", desc: "A hearty flavoured coffee whose hazelnut flavour fills out a velvety-textured Latin American and African Arabica blend.", img: "", features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: "7206.50", name: "Caramel Cookie ", desc: "A luxurious flavored coffee wins with the warming caramel flavor.", img: "", features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 }, },{ id: "7207.50", name: "Vanilla Custard Pie ", desc: "Our sweetest flavoured coffee with the classic vanilla flavour giving the base blend a silky-smooth and creamy texture.", img: "", features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: "117235", name: "Discovery 50 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Choose this curated assortment of 5 coffees in 4 different cup sizes from Espresso to Mug (40ml – 230ml) to kickstart your Vertuo coffee journey.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/13598275436574/Discovery50-assortment-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px-Discovery-Assortment.jpg", assortments: ["7216.50", "7152.60", "7158.60", "7147.60", "7250.50"],},{ id: "117236", name: "Dark Roast Mug 50 Capsules Assortment", desc: "For those who enjoy a long cup of rich dark roasted coffee, try this curated assortment of 5 rich and powerful coffee blends in Mug size (230ml).", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/13530499285022/Discovery50-assortment-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px-Dark-Roast-Mug-Assortment.jpg", assortments: ["7202.50", "7147.60", "7199.50", "7204.50", "7210.50"],},{ id: "122068", name: "Vertuo Discovery 80 Capsules Assortment", desc: "Embark on a journey of coffee discovery and let yourself enjoy a wide range of taste profiles from the Intense, Balanced and Flavoured families.", img: "/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/14239313756190/Vertuo-DS-responsive-mainPDP-6272x2432px.jpg", assortments: ["7216.50", "7152.60", "7158.60", "7232.50", "7204.50", "7202.50", "7147.60", "7250.50"],},{ id: "7218.50", name: "Diavolitto", desc: "Our most intense espresso comes without a hint of harshness - just fine oak and leather notes with a creamy texture.", img: "", features: { body: 4, acidity: 1, bitterness: 4, roastLevel: 4 },},{ id: "7212.50", name: "Il Caffè", desc: "Exceptionally Intense & Velvety", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7216.50", name: "Altissio", desc: "A full-bodied espresso with intensely roasted Latin American coffees delivering both boldness and a creamy texture.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7213.50", name: "Orafio", desc: "A glowing blend of Latin American Arabicas and a touch of Robusta bring cereal and caramel notes in bold balance.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7241.50", name: "Toccanto", desc: "A juicy coffee that bursts with wild, candied fruit notes from an aromatically floral blend of Latin American Arabicas.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7217.50", name: "Voltesso", desc: "Our light and sweet espresso that comes with a biscuity aroma from its fine South American Arabicas.", img: "", features: { body: 2, acidity: 2, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 }, },{ id: "7244.50", name: "Altissio Decaffeinato", desc: "A full-bodied espresso with intensely roasted Latin American coffees delivering both boldness and a creamy texture.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7225.50", name: "Double Espresso Scuro", desc: "The more intense double shot that gets its full-bodied power from the Guatemalan Robusta and the dark cocoa and smoky notes.", img: "", features: { body: 3, acidity: 1, bitterness: 3, roastLevel: 3 },},{ id: "7224.50", name: "Double Espresso Chiaro", desc: "The double shot whose short and intense roast doesn't hide the woody, earthy aromatic notes of its Latin American Arabicas.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7219.50", name: "Double Espresso Dolce", desc: "An exceptionally smooth double shot that gets its sweetness and malty toasted cereal notes from a fine blend of Arabica and Robusta.", img: "", features: { body: 2 }, },{ id: "7233.50", name: "Fortado", desc: "The most intense coffee in its Gran Lungo size comes thick-bodied and full of cocoa and oak notes.", img: "", features: { body: 4, acidity: 1, bitterness: 4, roastLevel: 4 }, },{ id: "7232.50", name: "Arondio", desc: "The Gran Lungo with the mild smooth cereal note rounded off by the strength of Guatemalan washed Robusta.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7220.50", name: "Inizio", desc: "An easy-going blend of East African Arabicas - smooth and with a juiciness gleaming through toasted cereal and floral notes.", img: "", features: { body: 0 }, },{ id: "7245.50", name: "Fortado Decaffeinato", desc: "The most intense coffee in its Gran Lungo size comes thick-bodied and full of cocoa and oak notes.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7202.50", name: "Intenso", desc: "Our most intense Mug Coffee. Under Intenso's thick crema, the brown sugar and roasted notes linger long.", img: "", features: { body: 5 }, },{ id: "7197.50", name: "Stormio", desc: "The Mug Coffee whose pure Arabicas make it both intensely aromatic and deliciously smooth.", img: "", features: { body: 4, acidity: 1, bitterness: 4, roastLevel: 4 }, },{ id: "7199.50", name: "Odacio", desc: "The surprising blend of a soft cereal note from Nicaragua encountering the lively fruity acidity of Ethiopian Arabica.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },{ id: "7201.50", name: "Melozio", desc: "The easy-drinking blend of Latin American Arabicas with delightful smooth cereal notes and a honeyed sweetness.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7198.50", name: "Solelio", desc: "Our mildest Mug, Solelio blends African and South American Arabicas to deliver a gentle fruity acidity and toasted cereal notes.", img: "", features: { body: 1 }, },{ id: "7198.50", name: "Solelio", desc: "Our only coffee to blend both decaffeinated and regular Arabica beans into one smooth cup.", img: "", features: { body: 0 }, },{ id: "7234.50", name: "Melozio Decaffeinato", desc: "The easy-drinking blend of Latin American Arabicas with delightful smooth cereal notes and a honeyed sweetness.", img: "", features: { body: 3 }, },{ id: "7210.50", name: "Mexico", desc: "The Arabica-Robusta blend marked by an uncommon double washed Robusta from Mexico that delivers a wild, textured cup.", img: "", features: { body: 4 },},{ id: "7221.50", name: "Costa Rica", desc: "A blend of medium and dark roasted Arabicas that highlights the aromatic complexity and crystal clean finish of this uniquely processed coffee.", img: "", features: { body: 4 }, },];// END SCRIPT1.JS// START SCRIPT2.JS(window.optData303PartTwo = [{ id: '7211.50', name: 'Colombia', desc: 'The longer fermentation of high-grown Colombian Arabica delivers a particularly juicy and fruity, sweet cup.', img: '', features: { body: 1 },},{ id: '7222.50', name: 'Ethiopia', desc: 'A medium-light roast that reveals the distinct flowery aromatics of the signature dry-processed Arabica in this blend.', img: '', features: { body: 2 },},{ id: '7228.50', name: 'Carafe Pour-Over Style', desc: "An easy-to-drink coffee inspired by the pour-over method - for when one cup of Nespresso just isn't enough.", img: '', features: { body: 3 },},{ id: '7203.50', name: 'Half Caffeinato', desc: 'This Vertuo coffee capsule blends decaffeinated and caffeinated Arabica coffees from Brazil and Ethiopia.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },},// {// id: '7254.50',// name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Fruit\xe9',// desc: 'Our piquant flavoured espresso for this festive season — the alluring raspberry flavour in artistic balance with a cereal-noted coffee blend.',// img: '',// features: { body: 3 },// },// {// id: '7256.50',// name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Double Espresso',// desc: 'A double espresso that makes an art form of black coffee in playing with the tastes of Arabica from Tolima, Colombia.',// img: '/shared_res/agility/global/coffees/vl/sku-main-info-product/infiniment-double-espresso.png',// features: { body: 2 },// },// {// id: '7255.50',// name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Gourmand',// desc: 'Elegant roasted hazelnut flavour brings the artistry of fine patisserie to this festive season’s smooth flavoured espresso.',// img: '/shared_res/agility/global/coffees/vl/sku-main-info-product/infiniment-gourmand.png',// features: { body: 3 },// },// {// id: '131914',// name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Double Espresso',// desc: 'Indulge in all 3 limited edition Nespresso x Pierre Herm\xe9 festive coffees inspired by french patisseries.',// img: '/shared_res/agility/global/assortments/vl/sku-main-info-product/pierre-herme_vl3-limited-edition.png',// assortments: ['7254.50', '7255.50', '7256.50'],// },{ id: '128981', name: 'Welcome Offer - Our All-Time Favourites Assortment', desc: 'In this collection lies a treasure trove of Nespresso’s all-time favourites. Discover your personal favourites through a sensorial experience like no other.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16275744882718/AllTimeFav-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', assortments: ['7741.50', '7748.50', '7746.50', '7747.50', '7745.50', '7722.70', '7761.50', '7733.70', '7586.50', '7755.50'],},{ id: '128980', name: 'Welcome Offer - Moments of the Day Assortment', desc: 'Each capsule holds a moment in time. Whether it is a boost or something to help you unwind, Nespresso presents a collection of carefully selected coffee that will be a companion to your everyday moments', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16275605880862/MOTDay-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', assortments: ['7741.50', '7748.50', '7746.50', '7586.50', '7743.50', '7733.70', '7720.70', '7761.50', '7755.50', '7756.50'],},// {// id: '128979',// name: 'Welcome Offer - Travel Around the World Assortment',// desc: 'Each of these coffee is profoundly linked to its country of origin, thus reflecting its soul, climate, flavour and nuance. Discover the richness of far-flung terroirs with each sip of our coffee capsules.',// img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/16275594182686/TATWorld-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png',// assortments: ['7742.50', '7765.50', '7747.50', '7733.70', '7720.70', '7722.70', '7719.70', '7723.70', '7755.50', '7759.50'],// },{ id: '142194', name: 'Welcome Offer - Travel Around the World Assortment', desc: 'Each of these coffee is profoundly linked to its country of origin, thus reflecting its soul, climate, flavour and nuance. Discover the richness of far-flung terroirs with each sip of our coffee capsules.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31227374174238/TATWorld-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', assortments: ['7742.50', '7765.50', '7747.50', '7733.70', '7720.70', '7722.70', '7734.70', '7723.70', '7755.50', '7759.50'],},{ id: '122067', name: 'Welcome Offer - Vertuo Discovery 80 Capsules Assortment', desc: 'Embark on a journey of coffee discovery and let yourself enjoy a wide range of taste profiles from the Intense, Balanced and Flavoured families.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/14238946754590/Vertuo-DS-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', assortments: ['7216.50', '7225.50', '7204.50', '7233.50', '7232.50', '7202.50', '7197.50', '7208.50'],},{ id: '134454', name: 'Lunar New Year Vertuo 60 Capsules Assortment', desc: 'Leap into the year of the rabbit with the limited edition Lunar New Year 6 Sleeve Pack. Receive a complimentary set of red packets with this pack purchase, available while stocks last.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/17169531437086/CNYPack-VL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', assortments: ['7216.50', '7225.50', '7233.50', '7202.50', '7197.50', '7208.50'],},{ id: '134453', name: 'Lunar New Year Vertuo 60 Capsules Assortment', desc: 'Your best wishes, unboxed. This Lunar New Year, select the perfect gift for yourself and loved ones with this special selection of 6 Original coffee sleeves.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/17169063116830/CNYPack-OL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', assortments: ['7742.50', '7765.50', '7749.50', '7759.50', '7734.70', '7733.70'],},{ id: '7214.50', name: 'Peru Organic', desc: 'Peru Organic Washed Organic Arabica is a fruity coffee with distinct green vegetable notes. The coffee’s fine acidity is beautifully balanced by its contrasting aromas of toasted sweet cereals.​', img: '', features: { body: 3, acidity: 4, bitterness: 3, roastLevel: 3 },},{ id: '7734.70', name: 'Peru Organic', desc: 'An elegant organic Arabica crafted by remote smallholder farmers in Peru’s remote Andes’ mountains, graced with smooth toasted cereal and fruit notes.​', img: '', features: { body: 3, acidity: 4, bitterness: 3, roastLevel: 3 },},{ id: '7791.50', name: 'Milano Intenso', desc: 'A classic combination of roasted-cereal and cocoa notes that alludes to bread and dark chocolate. A hint fruit and spices make this a deliciously complex blend.', img: '', features: { body: 3, acidity: 2, bitterness: 3, roastLevel: 4 },},{ id: '134931', name: 'Ispirazione Italiana Intense 50 Capsules Selection', desc: 'Ispirazione Italiana invites you to rediscover the magic of coffee in Italy. Discover this curated selection consisting of Limited Edition Milano Intenso and our best selling intense coffees.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/17489031659550/5SleevePack-ProductResponsiveSquare-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7791.50', '7741.50', '7765.50', '7747.50'],},{ id: '7725.70', name: 'Hawaii Kona', desc: 'Hawaii Kona delights with tropical and exotic fruity notes and fine citric acidity, all combined with nutty cereal finish for a well-balanced cup.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 3, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: '7275.30', name: 'Hawaii Kona', desc: 'Hawaii Kona delights with tropical and exotic fruity notes and fine citric acidity, all combined with nutty cereal finish for a well-balanced cup.', img: '', features: { body: 3, acidity: 2, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },},/* new capsules pushed live on 5th April 2023 */{ id: '7783.50', name: 'FILTER STYLE MILD', desc: 'A revised capsule design unlocks a complex long cup with peach acidity and alluring malted caramel sweetness.', img: '', features: { body: 1, acidity:1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: '7780.50', name: 'FILTER STYLE INTENSE', desc: 'Filter Style Intense’s revised capsule design brings a velvety long cup with a fine crema and intense and compelling notes of sandalwood and smoke.', img: '', features: { body: 1, acidity:1, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 5},},{ id: '135812', name: 'FILTER STYLE DUO PACK', desc: 'Reinvent your morning ritual with our new light and easy-to-drink filter style blends.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/26701967163422/filter-style-duopack-1200x1200px.png?impolicy=small&imwidth=600&imdensity=1', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7783.50', '7780.50'],},{ id: '7242.50', name: 'Alto Ambrato', desc: 'Arabica and Robusta coffees give rich warmth to this light-roast long cup. Taste toasted cereal and sweet caramel notes balanced by a fruity touch.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity:1, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: '7243.50', name: 'Alto Onice', desc: 'A complex blend of several origins—through its Indian beans’ cocoa and spice notes comes the Colombian Arabica’s shimmer of acidity in our longest cup size.', img: '', features: { body: 3, acidity:1, bitterness: 3, roastLevel: 3 },},{ id: '136633', name: 'VERTUO CAFÉ STYLE 40 CAPSULES ASSORTMENT', desc: 'Enjoy café style coffees at home with this curated assortment from a short espresso to larger cups. Add milk to your coffee to reveal a softer and more decadent taste.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/26805845327902/VertuoAssortment-ProductResponsiveSquare-2000x2000px.png?impolicy=small&imwidth=284&imdensity=1', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7230.50', '7225.50', '7233.50', '7207.50'],},/* END new capsules pushed live on 5th April 2023 *//* new capsules pushed live on 18th April 2023 */{ id: '7251.50', name: 'Rich Chocolate', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with its elegant dark chocolate flavour, complemented by notes of caramel, almond and cereal.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: '7766.50', name: 'Cioccolatino', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with its elegant dark chocolate flavour, complemented by notes of biscuit cereal.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 3, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },},{ id: '7768.50', name: 'Vaniglia', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with the classic vanilla flavour combined with sweet biscuit and cereal notes.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 3, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },}, { id: '7767.50', name: 'Caramello', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with the classic caramel flavour combined with sweet biscuit and nutty notes.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 3, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },}, { id: '7796.50', name: 'Nocciola', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with its classic hazelnut flavour, complemented by notes praline, biscuit, and cereals.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 3, bitterness: 2, roastLevel: 2 },}, { id: '7253.50', name: 'Sweet Vanilla', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with the classic vanilla flavour combined with sweet biscuit, candied and cereal notes coming from its delicate arabica base.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },}, { id: '7252.50', name: 'Golden Caramel', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with the classic caramel flavour combined with sweet biscuit notes.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },}, { id: '7250.50', name: 'Roasted Hazelnut', desc: 'This flavoured blend delights with its classic grilled hazelnut flavour, complemented by notes of biscuits and caramel.', img: '', features: { body: 2, acidity: 1, bitterness: 1, roastLevel: 2 },}, { id: '135811', name: 'VL Flavoured 4-Sleeve Pack', desc: 'Delight your senses in the sweet interplay of indulgent flavours with Barista Creations.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/27096129863710/FlavouredPack-VL-Product1200x1200px-2.png?impolicy=small&imwidth=600&imdensity=1', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7250.50', '7251.50', '7253.50', '7252.50'],}, { id: '135810', name: 'INDULGENT FLAVOURS ASSORTMENT', desc: 'Indulge yourself and discover a perfect balance of expertly roasted coffee notes and decadent flavours ready to envelop your taste buds.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/27096127537182/FlavouredPack-OL-Product1200x1200px-2.png?impolicy=small&imwidth=600&imdensity=1', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7796.50', '7768.50', '7767.50', '7766.50'],},/* END new capsules pushed live on 18th April 2023 *//* new capsules pushed live on 21st June 2023 */{ id: '7764.50', name: 'Freddo Intenso', desc: 'This Arabica blend carries in beautiful balance the toasted cereal and woody notes and the classic bitter taste of a rich dark roast.', img: '', features: {},},{ id: '7763.50', name: 'Freddo Delicato', desc: 'Fruity and sweet coffee that bursts with thirst-quenching fruity notes and soothes with its light, refreshing and rounded character.', img: '', features: {},},{ id: '7750.50', name: 'Coconut Over Ice', desc: 'The coconut flavour enhances the sweet notes of a smooth, rounded, and delicately aromatic Arabica blend.', img: '', features: {},},{ id: '144342', name: 'Iced Coffee Assortment​', desc: 'Cool down on a hot summer day with a Nespresso coffee, crafted to be brewed over ice. Boldly intense, delicately fruity or with coconut flavour, these delicious coffees are crisp and refreshing when consumed with ice.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31970003124254/Iced-Coffee-Assortment-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7750.50','7764.50', '7763.50'],},{ id: '7271.50', name: 'Juice Watermelon Flavour Over Ice', desc: 'The refreshingly sweet and juicy taste of watermelon meeting a delicate, light-roast Arabica coffee makes this the drink your summer needs.', img: '', features: {},}, { id: '7223.50', name: 'Ice Leggero', desc: 'A refreshing, thirst-quenching iced coffee with mild fruity and cereal notes.', img: '', features: {},}, { id: '7205.50', name: 'Ice Forte', desc: 'A distinct roasted character with cereal, woody and peppery notes, all finely-tuned for a rich iced coffee experience.', img: '', features: {},}, { id: '7226.50', name: 'Tropical Coconut Flavour Over Ice', desc: 'A delicious coconut flavour - with a soft hint of vanilla - harmoniously combined with a smooth and rounded Arabica blend.', img: '', features: {},}, { id: '7019.50', name: 'Sunny Almond Vanilla Over Ice', desc: 'A refreshing, thirst-quenching iced coffee with delicious almond and vanilla notes, reminiscent of amaretti and vanilla custard.', img: '', features: {},}, { id: '144343', name: 'Vertuo Iced Espresso Assortment', desc: 'Cool down on a hot summer day with Nespresso coffee, crafted to be brewed over ice. Add a touch of sunny almond and sweet vanilla to your summer with limited edition Sunny Almond Vanilla Over Ice. Or, for a bold yet refreshing cup, savour Ice Leggero.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31970440642590/Vertuo-Iced-Espresso-Assortment-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7223.50','7019.50'],},{ id: '144344', name: 'Vertuo Iced Coffee Assortment', desc: 'Cool down on a hot summer day with Nespresso coffee, crafted to be brewed over ice. Experience intense roasted cereal notes and refreshing coconut and vanilla notes with Ice Forte and Tropical Coconut Flavour Over Ice.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31970685812766/Vertuo-Iced-Coffee-Assortment-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7205.50','7226.50'],},{ id: '7278.50', name: 'Cold Brew Style Intense', desc: 'A smooth and silky-textured coffee, with roasted caramel notes, low bitterness and a pleasant acidity that is typical of cold brew extractions.', img: '', features: {},}, { id: '136763', name: 'Vertuo Summer Iced Coffee Assortment', desc: 'Cool down on a hot summer day with a Nespresso coffee made for ice. Boldly intense, delicately fruity, blended with coconut or watermelon flavour, we specially crafted these delicious coffees to release those crisp, refreshing notes when brewed over ice.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/26994663096350/summer-californian-2023-vl-summer-pack-40-2x.png?impolicy=small&imwidth=600&imdensity=1', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7271.50','7226.50','7223.50', '7205.50'],},/* END new capsules pushed live on 21st June 2023 *//* START new capsules pushed live on 30th Aug 2023 */// {// id: '7784.50',// name: 'Pumpkin Spice Cake',// desc: 'Spicy notes defined with cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom with a sweet subtle pumpkin flavour.',// img: '',// features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},// }, // {// id: '138250',// name: 'Pumpkin Spice Duo Pack',// desc: 'Spicy notes defined with cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom with a sweet subtle pumpkin flavour.',// img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/28470893477918/PumpkinSpice-OL-ProductResponsiveSquare-1200x1200px.png',// img_align: 'center',// assortments: ['7784.50'],// },// {// id: '7180.50',// name: 'Pumpkin Spice Cake',// desc: 'This coffee delights with a wide range of spice notes such as cloves, cinnamon and cardamom, combined with a sweet pumpkin flavour to create this indulgent treat inspired by Pumpkin Spice Cake.',// img: '',// features: {bitterness: 1,acidity: 1 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},// }, // {// id: '138251',// name: 'Vertuo Pumpkin Spice Duo Pack',// desc: 'This coffee delights with a wide range of spice notes such as cloves, cinnamon and cardamom, combined with a sweet pumpkin flavour to create this indulgent treat inspired by Pumpkin Spice Cake.',// img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/28472076435486/PumpkinSpice-VL-ProductResponsiveSquare-1200x1200px.png',// img_align: 'center',// assortments: ['7180.50'],// },{ id: '7276.50', name: 'El Salvador', desc: 'This coffee displays sweet, biscuity, fruity jam, and cereal notes, with a mild, low bitterness.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 1,acidity: 4 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},}, // {// id: '135148.SG',// name: 'N° 20',// desc: 'Experience an exclusive and rare single-origin specialty coffee, aromatic like a fragrant garden grown in the finest terroirs of Colombia.',// img: '',// features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 4 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},// }, // {// id: '135148',// name: 'N° 20',// desc: 'Experience an exclusive and rare single-origin specialty coffee, aromatic like a fragrant garden grown in the finest terroirs of Colombia.',// img: '',// features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 4 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},// }, // {// id: '138921',// name: 'N° 20',// desc: 'Experience an exclusive and rare single-origin specialty coffee, aromatic like a fragrant garden grown in the finest terroirs of Colombia.',// img: '',// features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 4 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},// }, { id: '7576.70', name: 'Amaha awe Uganda ', desc: 'Amaha Awe Uganda stands out as a rich and clean espresso. It has a wild fruity character that carries both hard-to-find sandalwood notes and elegant florals.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 4,acidity: 2 ,roastLevel: 4, body: 4},},{ id: '7238.50', name: 'Amaha awe Uganda', desc: 'Amaha Awe Uganda stands out as a rich and clean espresso. It has a wild fruity character that carries both hard-to-find sandalwood notes and elegant florals.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2 ,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},}, { id: '7724.70', name: 'Cafecito de Cuba ', desc: 'A dark roasted, intense character of this coffee echoes with the passionate rhythms of authentic Cuban culture and boasts powerful and delightful smoky notes of cwood and tobacco leaves.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 4,acidity: 1 ,roastLevel: 4, body: 4},}, { id: '7236.50', name: 'Café de Cuba ', desc: 'A dark roasted, intense character of this coffee echoes with the passionate rhythms of authentic Cuban culture and boasts powerful and delightful smoky notes of cwood and tobacco leaves.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 4,acidity: 1 ,roastLevel: 4, body: 4},}, { id: '138252', name: 'REVIVING ORIGINS DUO PACK​', desc: 'Dive into the heat and passion of Cafecito de Cuba, and a rich espresso with a wild character of Amaha awe Uganda.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/28808158281758/PumpkinSpice-OL-ProductResponsiveSquare-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7576.70', '7724.70'],},{ id: '138253', name: 'Vertuo Reviving Origins Duo Pack​', desc: 'Dive into the heat and passion of Café de Cuba, and a rich espresso with a wild character of Amaha awe Uganda.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/28808164409374/PumpkinSpice-VL-ProductResponsiveSquare-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7238.50', '7236.50'],},{ id: '133499', name: 'Original Advent Calendar​', desc: 'Unbox daily wonders this festive season with the Nespresso x Fusalp Advent Calendar. This iconic calendar invites you to discover an unforgettable Nepresso coffee each day and unveil the exclusive Limited Edition gift behind the 24th door.', img: '', features: {},},{ id: '133496', name: 'Vertuo Advent Calendar​', desc: 'Unbox daily wonders this festive season with the Nespresso x Fusalp Advent Calendar. This iconic calendar invites you to discover an unforgettable Nepresso coffee each day and unveil the exclusive Limited Edition gift behind the 24th door.', img: '', features: {},},/* END new capsules pushed live on 30th Aug 2023 *//* START new capsules pushed live on 1st Nov 2023 */{ id: '7806.70', name: 'Festive Black Espresso', desc: 'This blend delights with its roastiness and generous woody and sweet brown spices aromatics, harmoniously topped of by a hint of ripe fruits.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2 ,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},}, { id: '7805.70', name: 'Frosted Caramel Nuts', desc: 'A delicious mix of blond caramel & almond flavours in a base of smooth and biscuity arabica beans.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},}, { id: '7804.70', name: 'Seasonal Delight Spices', desc: 'Delightful spicy and winey flavours of cinnamon, cloves and spice cake combined with a smooth arabica base.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},}, { id: '139897', name: 'Festive Assortment​', desc: 'Discover our three, specially crafted Limited-Edition Festive coffees.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/29254169755678/FestiveAssortments-OL-ProductResponsiveSquare-320x320px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7806.70', '7805.70', '7804.70'],},{ id: '139898', name: 'Festive Delights Assortment​', desc: 'Discover the world of Nespresso with this specially curated assortment, containing a selection of our best sellers and three of our exclusive Festive Limited-Edition coffees.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/29254167199774/FestiveDelightsAssortments-OL-ProductResponsiveSquare-320x320px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7806.70', '7805.70', '7804.70', '7765.50', '7755.50'],},{ id: '7289.50', name: 'Festive Black Double Espresso', desc: 'This blend delights with its roastiness and generous woody and sweet brown spices aromatics, harmoniously topped of by a hint of ripe fruits.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2 ,roastLevel: 3, body: 2},}, { id: '7290.50', name: 'Frosted Caramel Nuts', desc: 'A delicious mix of blond caramel & almond flavours in a base of smooth and biscuity arabica beans.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2 ,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},}, { id: '7291.50', name: 'Seasonal Delight Spices', desc: 'Delightful spicy and winey flavours of cinnamon, cloves and spice cake combined with a smooth arabica base.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2 ,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},}, { id: '139899', name: 'Vertuo Festive Assortment', desc: 'Discover our three, specially crafted Limited-Edition Festive coffees.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/29251992682526/FestiveAssortments-VL-PDPMainImage-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7289.50', '7290.50', '7291.50'],},/* END new capsules pushed live on 1st Nov 2023 *//* START new capsules pushed live on 10th Jan 2024 */{ id: '7828.70', name: 'Infiniment Espresso', desc: 'Infiniment Espresso has a fruity profile, reminiscent of red berries and jam, outlined by sweet cereal notes and a fine, juicy acidity.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 3 ,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '7829.70', name: 'Infiniment Gourmand', desc: 'The delicate added flavour of raspberry combined with the cereal note of the base coffee creates a harmonious cup profile, with juicy and smooth raspberry notes that come though very clearly.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 3 ,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},}, { id: '7830.70', name: 'Infiniment Fruité', desc: 'Taste the gratifying tartness of fresh raspberry flavour in our smooth, cereal-noted South American Arabica blend.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 3,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},},{ id: '7254.50', name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Fruité', desc: 'The delicate added flavour of raspberry combined with the cereal note of the base coffee creates a harmonious cup profile, with juicy and smooth raspberry notes that come though very clearly.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '7256.50', name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Double Espresso', desc: 'Infiniment Espresso has a fruity profile, reminiscent of red berries and jam, outlined by woody and sweet cereal notes and fine acidity.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},},{ id: '7255.50', name: 'Vertuo Infiniment Gourmand', desc: 'The hazelnut added flavour combines deliciously with the cereal coffee base to surprise with biscuity, vanilla and nutty notes reminiscent of hazelnut and almond.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '140955', name: 'Lunar New Year 50 Capsules Assortment', desc: 'When Nespresso meets Pierre Hermé, a story of passion and taste begins. Combining exceptional patisserie know-how and the art of elevating coffee, discover the limited edition collection that celebrates this delightful festive season.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30118530809886/LNYAssortments-OL-PDPMainImage-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7828.70', '7829.70', '7830.70', '7765.50', '7759.50'],},{ id: '140957', name: 'Lunar New Year Vertuo 50 Capsules Assortment', desc: 'When Nespresso meets Pierre Hermé, a story of passion and taste begins. Combining exceptional patisserie know-how and the art of elevating coffee, discover the limited edition collection that celebrates this delightful festive season.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30118520225822/LNYAssortments-VL-PDPMainImage-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7256.50', '7255.50', '7254.50', '7202.50', '7201.50'],},/* END new capsules pushed live on 10th Jan 2024 *//* START new capsules pushed live on 21st Feb 2024 */{ id: '7790.50', name: 'Dharkan', desc: 'A Powerful personality reveals intense roasted notes together with hints of bitter cocoa and toasted cereals.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 3,roastLevel: 4, body: 4},},{ id: '7287.50', name: 'Ristretto Intenso', desc: 'An intense blend that carries the distinct Robusta notes of peppery spices and wood, finalized by a tobacco touch.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 5,acidity: 2,roastLevel: 4, body: 5},},{ id: '7066.60', name: 'Ginseng Delight', desc: 'A smooth double espresso blend enhanced with ginseng extract and a sweet caramel flavour.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '7065.60', name: 'Melozio GO', desc: 'A smooth, round coffee with a classic cereal note and honeyed sweetness.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 1,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '7064.60', name: 'Stormio GO', desc: 'A spicy, smooth and full-bodied coffee with woody and cereal notes.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 4,acidity: 1,roastLevel: 4, body: 4},},{ id: '7063.60', name: 'Vivida', desc: 'A smooth, round coffee with a classic cereal note and honeyed sweetness.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '141631', name: 'Singapore’s Favourite Original Assortment', desc: 'Get ready to uncover the secrets behind our iconic Original coffees and find a new favourite', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30502912950302/FavouritesPack-OL-PDPPBSquare-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7790.50', '7765.50', '7755.50', '7767.50', '7758.50'],},{ id: '141632', name: 'Singapore’s Favourite Vertuo Assortment', desc: 'Get ready to uncover the secrets behind our iconic Vertuo coffees and find a new favourite.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30502903578654/FavouritesPack-VL-PDPPBSquare-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7225.50', '7202.50', '7233.50'],},// {// id: '141905',// name: 'Caffeine Extra Vertuo Assortment',// desc: 'Two Favourite Vertuo Coffees, now enhanced with natural coffee extracts* – same great taste, extra boost! ​',// img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30814151737374/CaffeineExtra-VL-PDPPBSquare-1200x1200px.png',// img_align: 'center',// assortments: ['7064.60', '7065.60'],// },{ id: '141904', name: 'Revitalise Vertuo Assortment', desc: 'Discover the two new Vertuo coffees, with added benefits to give you a revitalising start to your day.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30814152163358/Revitalise-VL-PDPPBSquare-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7063.60', '7066.60'],},{ id: '7248.50', name: 'Maple Pecan​​', desc: 'A flavoured coffee that brings together the maple’s caramelly sweetness and the nutty character of pecans to celebrate the changing seasons.​', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2,roastLevel: 3, body: 3},},{ id: '143200', name: 'Coffee Creations Assortment​​', desc: 'Specially crafted to bring your favourite milk recipes to life, these dreamy blends envelop you taste buds in a warm, creamy taste of a perfectly made milk cup.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31293484367902/BaristaCreationsAssortmentPack-OL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7760.50', '7761.50', '7768.50'],},{ id: '143199', name: 'Vertuo Maple Pecan Duo Pack​​​', desc: 'A flavoured coffee that brings together the maple’s caramelly sweetness and the nutty character of pecans to celebrate the changing seasons.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31293483778078/BaristaCreationsAssortmentPack-VL-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7248.50'],},{ id: '7793.50', name: 'Cádiz Espresso', desc: 'A delightful combination of malted cereal, biscuit, and caramel notes, accompanied by sweet aromas and a delicate hint of cocoa.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 3,acidity: 2,roastLevel: 3, body: 4},},{ id: '7794.50', name: 'Lisbon Bica', desc: 'A high-intensity coffee, featuring roasted cereal and nutty undertones, complemented by roasted almonds.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 4,acidity: 2,roastLevel: 4, body: 4},},{ id: '143201', name: 'Iberian Peninsula Assortment', desc: 'Immerse yourself in the costal coffee influences as we showcase the unique cultural richness of the way coffee is consumed in these Iberian cities.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/31647076909086/Cadiz-Lisbon-Assortment-responsive-product-square-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7793.50', '7794.50'],},{ id: '7784.50', name: 'Pumpkin Spice Cake', desc: 'Spicy notes defined with cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom with a sweet subtle pumpkin flavour.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 2,acidity: 3,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},},{ id: '7272.60', name: 'Pumpkin Spice Cake', desc: 'This coffee delights with a wide range of spice notes such as cloves, cinnamon and cardamom, combined with a sweet pumpkin flavour to create this indulgent treat inspired by Pumpkin Spice Cake.', img: '', features: {bitterness: 1,acidity: 1,roastLevel: 2, body: 2},},{ id: '145220', name: 'Vertuo Pumpkin Spice Cake Duo Pack', desc: 'A wide range of spice notes, mainly defined by cloves, cinnamon and cardamom melts with sweet pumpkin flavour.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/32827144503326/PumpkinSpiceDuo-VL-ProductResponsiveSquare-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7272.60'],},{ id: '145218', name: 'Easy Mornings Assortment', desc: 'Simplify your mornings with the Easy Mornings Assortment.', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/32827175665694/EasyMorningsAssortment-ProductResponsiveSquare-2000x2000px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7784.50', '7767.50', '7796.50', '7761.50'],},{ id: '141905', name: 'Caffeine Extra Vertuo Assortment', desc: 'Two Favourite Vertuo Coffees, now enhanced with natural coffee extracts* – same great taste, extra boost!', img: '/ecom/medias/sys_master/public/30814151737374/CaffeineExtra-VL-PDPPBSquare-1200x1200px.png', img_align: 'center', assortments: ['7064.60','7065.60'],},/* END new capsules pushed live on 21st Feb 2024 */]),(window.optData303 = [...window.optData303PartOne, ...window.optData303PartTwo]),(window.optData303Icons = { close: '', eye: ' ',});// END SCRIPT2.JS// START SCRIPT3.JSwindow.cupSVG = { 'Espresso (40 ml)': '\n\t\t\t', 'Ristretto (25 ml)': '\t\t\t\n\t\t\t', 'Lungo (110 ml)': '\n\t\t\t',};// END SCRIPT3.JS
    Coffee Capsules & Pods: Espresso, Iced, Milk, Decaf (2024)


    Why did Nespresso discontinue decaf? ›

    As we were increasing the size of the Lungo family, we needed a room to expand, so we made the choice to discontinue Vivalto Lungo Decaffeinato based on its level of popularity and consumer feedback.

    What is the difference between coffee pods and espresso capsules? ›

    The difference lies in how they're brewed: coffee pods are generally compatible with K-Café machines, while espresso capsules only work with Nespresso original line brewers. This means pods brew larger cups of drip coffee, while espresso capsules – as the name suggests – brew espresso.

    How much caffeine is in a decaf espresso pod? ›

    Nespresso removes over 99.9% of the caffeine from green coffee for use in our decaffeinated blend. Each capsule of decaffeinated coffee and espresso contains no more than 2mg of caffeine per brewed capsule.

    Is Nespresso decaf actually decaf? ›

    The caffeine level in Nespresso decaffeinated coffees respects the strictest legal limits. However, there are always some traces of caffeine left in the bean after the processing (around 2-6mg per cup) which is why our decaffeinated coffees are not 100% caffeine-free.

    What is Nespresso discontinuing? ›

    These are the coffees that have been discontinued: Alto Intenso (Alto), Alto Dolce (Alto), Decaffeinato Intenso (Espresso), Elvazio (Mug), Giornio (Mug), Decaffeinato (Mug), Decaffeinato Ontuoso (Gran Lungo).

    Is there such a thing as decaf espresso? ›

    Yes, decaf espresso is generally just decaffeinated coffee beans roasted and ground finely to make espresso. And, you've come to the right place, not only to get your decaf espresso questions answered, but because Philly Fair Trade is one of the few micro-roasters from which you can buy decaffeinated espresso!

    Are Nespresso pods just instant coffee? ›

    The Nespresso capsules contain only fresh roasted and ground coffee with the exception of the flavoured coffees (Vanilla Éclair, Caramel Créme Brulee, Cocoa Truffle) which also contain natural flavours added to fresh roasted and ground coffee.

    Are coffee pods better than capsules? ›

    The difference between pods and capsules is considerable since capsules contain 5 grams of coffee while pods contain 7 grams. This means that the coffee extracted from pods is more full-bodied. Pods are more environmentally friendly, they can be easily recycled and have no negative impact on the environment.

    What is the best alternative to espresso pods? ›

    • Grind Tin of Compostable Coffee Pods. Grind. ...
    • Volcano Mount Blend Coffee Pods Subscription. ...
    • Ocado Espresso Coffee Pods. ...
    • Dualit Organic Colombian Home Compostable Coffee Pods. ...
    • CRU Kafe Organic Fairtrade Ristretto Pods. ...
    • Lost Sheep Coffee Smooth Journey Eco Pods. ...
    • Little's French Vanilla Nespresso Compatible Capsules. ...
    • HALO Noir.
    Apr 18, 2024

    Can you drink too much decaf espresso? ›

    Potential Risks

    “For people who are sensitive to caffeine and those with certain heart conditions, regularly drinking decaf coffee can increase the frequency and severity of palpitations and certain arrhythmias,” says Robert Salazar, M.D., a cardiologist with Memorial Hermann in Houston.

    Are coffee capsules healthy? ›

    Furthermore plastic coffee capsules are bad for your health. According to Wellness Mama, plastic coffee capsules can cause “endocrine disruptors and may contribute to hormone imbalance, weight gain and fertility problems”.

    What does the red dot on Nespresso mean? ›

    Distinctive capsule for easy identification

    A striking red dot on the top of the capsule distinguishes the three decaffeinated Grands Crus from their original alter egos. Nespresso has always used red to signify decaffeinated coffees and to help its Club Members differentiate those coffees.

    How many Nespresso pods per day? ›

    While this may vary from person to person and blend to blend, it's generally accepted that around 4-5 capsules per day or 3 for more robust blends is ideal. Be sure to check the strength of your Nespresso pods – this is usually on the packaging as an industry standard.

    Are Nespresso decaf pods water processed? ›

    The first is the water decaffeination process which uses water to remove the caffeine. The second is the carbon dioxide process. In this process the green coffee is soaked in water after which carbon dioxide (one of the key constituents of air) is used to extract the caffeine.

    Is methylene chloride decaffeination safe? ›

    While that may not sound super appealing for a morning beverage, the American Chemical Society says that despite the chemical being potentially carcinogenic, removing residual chemicals from coffee doesn't present a hazard: It is quite easy to make methylene chloride safe for human consumption because the "solvent's ...

    Is there a decaf Vertuo pods? ›

    There are only 3 decaf pods in the vertuo range - one espresso, one gran lungo, one mug - and no real choice. The espresso one is particularly disappointing as it doesn't go well with milk for a flat white.

    Is CO2 decaffeination safe? ›

    With these methods, the components responsible for the aroma and taste and the cell structure remain practically intact, with the exception of the caffeine that has been dissolved out. They are all chemical-free and natural and therefore completely harmless to health.

    Does Nespresso use chemicals to decaffeinate coffee? ›

    Nespresso's decaffeination process is 100 per cent natural and – given the process takes place before the coffee is roasted – preserves the taste and flavour integrity of the beans. Any Nespresso coffee that is used in a decaf blend is made by one of two traditional methods: water or CO2.

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    Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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    Author information

    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-12-23

    Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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    Job: Marketing Representative

    Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.