The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 192. THE jAjryjjgLAHOMAN State Children Know What War Is About Veteran Writer Finds Keystone State Orrell Appeals Life Sentence Courtney D. Orrell, oil field worker, ho was sentenced to serve life in the Cafeteria Thefts Are Solved When Youth Confesses The mystery of minor theft from the Lee school cafeteria was solved Friday night. R. J.

Tacker. custodian, called po. lice and said he was holding thrtt youths who had entered the building. The boys, ages 7. 9 and 10, admitted they were trying to reach the cafe-teria.

The 9-year-old boy said he had robbed the cafeteria of candy and Ice cream on at least four occasions. He named two other boys who had accompanied him on forays into the school. The youth told police he had obtained a key to the building the state penitentiary for the murder of Scrap Average Puts It First Per Capita Total Is 78.2 Pounds In Industrial Zone Miss Blllie Grayson, Friday appealed to the criminal court of appeals from Lochner Still Impressed By City Interviews Oklahoma's War Efforts Appeal To AP News Expert (Editor's Note: Louis Lochner, head of the Berlin bureau of The Associated Press for many years, is writing his impressions as he swings through -nation-wide lecture tour. He the district court at Chandler. Orrell was found guilty of the der of the Klrl Aug- 17, 1941.

nude body was found in a cemetery- near Chandler. Orrell claimed the district court orrort in limiting the number of his NEW YORK. Oct. 16. MP) Indus first trial Pennsylvania ciimoea first time ne enterca ana Kept it hidden behind a garage at his home.

spaper-spon place Friday sored scrap collection campaign, iverage of nortlng 41 LOW character witnesses, in overruling tne request to admonish the county attorney and assistant for misquoting evidence in argument and refusing to instruct the jury to disregard the same. He also maintained the court should have instructed on manslaughter in the first dejrree. assault and battery 83.1 pounds for every man, woms rrmvoH nr. to second with Miserable With A HEAD COLD? per capita average of 78.2 pounds and latlonal For 37 states reporting io ed scrap metal drive, which will Wind and assault. He claimed the verdict of the Jury was found and returned under influence of passion and prejudice induced by improper and inflammatory statements of the assistant attorney general in the closing argu- Just try 3-purpo Va-tro-nol up each nostril.

It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, and (3) up Saturday, the incomplete ouni ed total reached 2.071.223 tons for average of 42.6 pounds per person. Small Towns Lead VIMS. He set forth 11 alleged errors Tun tinv eastern communities asking reversal of the case. -VIj n. Onp rpBsnn Woods county ranks competition developed ROTHSCHILD'S FAMOUS BAbtMtNI A with 416.

i KOtary DCrap the state scrap contest is the keen Wnlcntt, a town of 831. led 16 which between the Rotary and Klwanls ciuo ot aim jt' the Klwanis club in total A I Vermont headouarters said had av- 0f the Rotarians. whose organization nosed eraged more than 200 pounds per poundage collected, is to capita. heap which weighed in a i than 10 was in Oklahoma City last weekend, and this is the story he sent out for the after his visit to the state.) fly LOUIS LOCHNKR OKLAHOMA CITY. Oct.

(Wide World) Let nobody tell you that the children of our; country don't know what thus war Is about. I had an expe-riencc in this city which never forget. About two (07vn younsrsters of ptr grodf school way-laid me wfin I arrived to spent on HUlcr and his" nefarious works. They said thn hnd been sent by their teachers in civics and in English to "intervicA have hecome accustomed to reporter tor hlghschool and cohere papers ptvln me with questions about th Nazi scene. But Juveniles from th- graded schools that was some-thillK (iiffrrmt.

Vet they indicated by their questions that they know what Is f.olnt: on in the world fully as we.i as the oldsters. "Why did Rudolf Hess fly to England'' What about the concentration they really so bad? Do you think Stalingrad can hold out? Any aiens of a German crack-up? What ir. linppenlrw to the Jews? Are the Scouts7 Scrap Grows Furnaces Still Make City Hot Plumbing Inspector Wants Change Made md inri ol fomi ihin? he and Nazis would like to Joy Scout trci.p of the South Lee Ed H. sco-JtmaMcr. Atop the scrap.

Paul Barrir.cton. and Richard Kiltman. epresented nearly 1,000 pounds for each Charters Granted MEN'S 0'oHc Green. 4 gS A Aluminum Plant Expands 4 Brejjfllllw WBL BIRMINGHAM. Oct.

16 (JP) A HPptt Pft9 1 The Reynolds Metals Co. announced BffmM! Only 25 Coats, priced tor 1 Friday it would spend approximately jyl complete sell-out! gram of its aluminum plant at Lis- 5 jll 'l Values to $17.50 Brigantine. with 303 ciLizens. piled up more than 126.000 pounds and commented: "This is only the beginning." Lynchburg. with an average of 304 pounds, was third, and other of the top 10 cities were: Fairmont, 229; Portsmouth, N.

212; Hammond. 210: Odessa. Texas, 209; Canton. Ohio. 190; Wynnesboro.

172. and Danville, 171. In the state ranking, behind Pennsylvania and Montana, with pounds per capita and total tonnages, were: How They Ranked Rhode Island, 72.9 pounds and tons; Kansas 72.2 and 65.000; Nevada 70.3 and Delaware 68 and 9.077; Utah 65.4 and 17.976; New York 64.3 and New Hampshire 62.6 and 15.403: Oregon 59.5 and 32.459: Vermont 58 and 10.436; Ohio 58 and 200,000: Colorado 55.6 and Texas 53.4 and 171.325; Nebraska 52.8 and 34.753: Connecticut 43.1 and Oklahoma 42.3 and North Dakota 42.2 and 13.559: Iowa 40.1 and 50.861: Virginia 38.8 and 51,945: Arizona 36.1 and 9.000: Maine 34.9 he'll never hear the last of the cox floor furnaces. Vivian Home From Junket, 'Daddy1 Held Last sorinfj Mueller turned sleuth nnH traced 62 floor furnace installa DeallieKill Rites Are Set Services Will Be Monday Afternoon brmging capital ouuay at usitwuw RWIivi A to $45,000,000. kMKMiiv mMm Jm SBk.

Hitler tions to Chester c. Cox, uapuoi nin master plumber, for which city records showed no permits issued. After Hai flsttiliiis -fVP)-A pressing charges against cox oeiore The the boaro. 01 piumomg ins.peci.oij., Mnpllrr finallv worked out a compro charged with kidnaping ian Miller but the mise whereby Cox paid up S223 in I 31.1 r-0: I md 1 'n'i Milium Biiiii ick fees. Then Cox closed shop and left Deallie Hill.

59 years old. 105 hnrrried 4-year-old victim, whose Wisconsin 28.8 and 44.574: Michigan 28.5 and 75.000: Missouri 26.4 and venue, died Fri- i disappearance made frantic take a war job in Hawaii. Alabama 24.2 and 34.249: Ken afternoon. She is survived by her a shipyard worker and his wife, was tucky 18.1 and 25.774; West Virginia Mueller began his round of inspections. Every stop was a new headache, I feel 5.5 and 14.795; South uaKoia i these Ok- husband.

J. H. Hill, at the home; two i blissfully aware of only one thing hcy'd soon dnUghters. Veadic Hill, at the home; sne has a new toy bear. Friday he was getting out individual and 4.000: Louisiana U.8 and 14.01 rap 3 HP 1 4 rarararararararar 7- J2 to 20.

you-h find an the MWmrmraraH newest styles to choose from, 4HBHHUraHHi Ml -k rAmel Fleeces -K Box Styles Washington 11.2 and 9.7!20; North Mrs. Myrtle Scott. 12 South Tuttle prom Grants Puss. where she what should happen Carolina 11.1 and 19.408: Massachu The pr. Basil Hill.

12 South was abandoned Thursday after being letters to me nonie owners nowying; them of necessary changes in the installations. One of the letters was addressed to Warren Connor, former assistant setts 9.3 and 20,000: Idaho 7.6 and nzt dogma, seemed quite Tuttle avenue, and Wlllia H. Scott. Picked up at piny 2.000: Mississippi 7 and and 4.418. 6.9 Jers the telephoi i-ic lat-i.

hnirt nf th TW hi.vp Services will br nt Watts and Mc- municipal counselor on duty as a first A ltaiitotiAnL in India Connor helned i tv nositive convictions about de- A tee funeral home rhupel at 2 p. m. i Hello, daddy. I and human rights and the i Monday. Burial will be in Rose Hill i While she hugged her pet.

pur- City Briefs U. S. O. Sponsors Dance A U. sponsored dance, the first for mr nr freedoms.

It would not lake them cemetery. chased by newspaper men in u. filed kidnaping charges lone to remake their WOI.FE B. Du Bois, enlisted men and their wives. low-humans.

Cnllecc Yonth Inventive Oklahoma and Kansas are hur with war plants. And in thes given in the Y. W. C. A.

auditorium Services for Mrs. Ellen Clara Wolfe. 39 years old. and his wife. 23 years 65 years old.

514 East Fifth street, will old, under arrest in Red Bluff. Calir. be in Garrison funeral home chapel at 10 a. m. Saturday.

Burial will be in CJAN FRANCISCO police inspectors. prepare the charges against Cox. Mueller recommended changes for two furnaces in Connor's home. The letter was forwarded to Mrs. Connor, in Florida, since it didn't appear Connor would be returning soon to make the changes.

Stand Operator Robbed ot $50 Friday night. Miss Hazel R. Clark. U. S.

O. director, announced tnat otne: husband-and-wife dances would bi arranged. tare i nnvc Dccome conscious or some- Rosr HU, ccmetcrv. Mrs. Wolfe, who Marvin Donel! ana Jorm uon-thliiK else: Some of the most im- aled Fmav afternoon, is survived by nell.

said Du Bois. of Portland. portant little gadgets, some of the lwo sons Wolfe. New Orleans; I admitted he picked up the gin oe he had a longing for a child Bus Driver Arrested Police Friday iom umi lmenuims iw m1" up jac Wolfe at the home. but insisted his wife had nothing arrested a bus driver and charged chn eriorlty over Hitler and Hlrohit, him with speeding 40 miles Mathiel Merle Walker.

23 beinc quietly thong nen In our colleges do with his act. Autnorui ucd to cni6slon the couple. MRS. BERTHA ELLIOTT t. ncrtha Elliott.

60 years old, 4raraBffinral I if Twccdj Fittcd Styl" 4 IL -K Birdieye Tweeds Rcvcrsiblci jnKniHl nS't Use Our Convenient 4 y-K LAY-AWAY PLAN 4 to $5.50 JMPf 4 ScOOp! 4 Mmffl 4 Salesman's Sample Sale 4 mKBhSI 4 Women's Young Women's Girls' mmyrX SPORT 4 eraWBWldth AtoD Zelan Reversiblcs, Zelan. rayon satin lined, and Ik A a few corduroys. Ideal for all out-door sports- wear. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 only! 4 Black or Brown Calfskin i QOf Two men Friday night robbed C. Copas.

operator of a fruit stand the driver, was arrested in the 2300 1,1, M.Vii,.,ct at 1600 North East avenue, of $50. Little Vivian's disappearance Tuesday while at play wearing a grass hula skirt over her dress, set in mo- Cooas told police the tw tci-nnieat universities. Blackwell. died at the Jackson rest It Is no doubt an accident that I home, She is survived by her son. Just happened to hear of concrete Eddie Elliott.

Camp Barkc'ley and a Inventions In Tulsn. and brother. Lou Hennings. Blackwell. Ar-Wicluta.

Kan. The higher schools of rnngements arc being completed by lenrnlng In other parts of our country Garrison funeral home. volved thousands of San Francisco's air raid wardens. v(ur wns reunited with her fa ther. Morris Miller.

San Francisco imnouoiccuy are developing or una-1 inn similar geniuses. But In Kansas and Oklahoma I learned of several things that im- work tercd the stand as he was preparing to close about 9:15 p. m. "Put 'em up and keep 'em up," a man with the -pistol said, Copas told police. He held the gun on the proprietor while the second man took a wallet containing the money.

Panama Chief on Way to U.S. MEXICO CITY. Oct. 16. VP) Edgar Edgerton, governor of the Panama Canal Zone, arrived Friday en route to Washincton to confer with Toiith Is Honor Student Cadet Robert Pitt.

126 Southeast Thirty-seventh street, has been awarded honor roll rank at Wentworth Military academy, Lexington, for his scholastic work during the first grading period. Cadet Pitt is the son of Mrs. Jewell Pitt. Tulsan Named Head Of Christian Churches STILLWATER. Oct.

16 (Special.) Dr. Claude E. Hill. Tulsa, was British Fliers Aid East Coast Patrol greatly; naturally I cannot them be Inspectors Donell and O'Connell said Du Bois abandoned Vtvian at. a Grants Pass school after "the trail wc many military so Suffice it late, however, that one of I which I learned at Wichita President Roosevelt and other officials, while another ntlarj.

for cd president of Oklahoma Chris- churches at the business meeting and in McNeil DnUrrUiN'c Fimnut RitPmPnf A A AAA, raid the axis has come home but not for retirement. thousht out and held during the last day of the church's thirty-fifth annual state con- island Washington, federal prison for transporting a stolen car across a state boundary. kheed Aircraft Corp. announced ention which closed In Stillwater Cities Spread Oul Movie Film Chests 81212 reels. 8 mm $3.50 686 reels.

8mm 2.50 Screens, cement, reels and cans Okla. Photo Supply Co. SALES YOU WANT AT PRICES YOU LIKE A i bavc ctyi 5UITS: Friday that the squadron still flown Possible punishment in event- ot mthw The Wednesday night. Rev. O.

Edgar Wright, pastor of the Stillwater church, was named conviction under the state charge antici- m. ranges up to years for Du Bois and his wife was 5ULDItK-AVIAiwn 80 SUITS are growing and sprawling out tinder the impact of war work Is nut zing. The housinK problem is as acute here as it is anywhere. Wichita's famous trailer camp is but one evi 4 pated all the con- titK fronting circum- Vm 4 therefore BfZZk ice-president, and Mrs. George Davis Chickasha.

was elected secretary. O. niue 38 set at $25,000 each. by British crews is now patrollng tne American Atlantic coast, rendering these waters as dangerous for enemy U-boats as the closely guarded United Nations shipping lones on the Euro- This reversal of the usual American ferrying procedure is the first in which British-flown planes have de SIZES 3 TO 10. mT Vivian's joy over her new Dear ana dence of housing ahortagc.

All these her adventures was mmmea A benefit from our agTT FOR DRESS complete stock scrv- Lfs? FOR CLASS 4 lcc and buy now. 11 SAILOR SUITS fended American shores, said a Lock- trailer habitats have been given the name camouflace paint, and from all of thrm the tires and wheels have di5appcnrrd. Side by side with trailer camps. SIZES 2 TO 7. well the plane; The The pilots Hew Blrn- however, one finds huge slacks of COMMANDO RAIN SETS Scrap Campaign Is Out of Hand, Contractor Says fore the fall of France, then switched O.

D. color coat wltn removahlc hood cm- ffQg blem on cap. Sim Hudsons for Britisn coastal mand operations against U-boat And up they go, over nicht almost. Thorp is hammering and sawing and measuring wherever one looks. Build-ins activities have been speeded even The scrap campaign is gcttlnc out 4 8" FINGERTIP COATS i bnts s52 syss QSS th French coast.

At Brest iney bombed the a battleships of hand, believes F. A. uaroueue. tractor of 2709 Southwest Thirty- lAtlO! plan BOYS' OVERALLS WHIPCORDS. CORDUROYS, TWEEDUROVS.

SIZES 4 10 U- Schnrnhorst and Gncisenati. rationing has become know British fliers call the Hudson bomb- Mr Oaroiiette called Stonewall many workers still travel miles and miles in their flivvers 50 miles arc "Old Boomerang occausc usu Revendble finger-tips, all Jackson junior highschool Friday to $149 $198 $249; nothing ally flics home, no matter how battle report a ptie oi the boys are getting them. It's smart and practical. It is a military version the Lockheed model 14. transport, produced in quantity for the British be- Another pile, collected by Garoutte for other uses, was aiw she yard CORDUROY JACKETS both America and England.

Tan, Hrown na icjm Sizes 10 to 20. MACKINAWS $798 but the children were instructed not to carry it away. They did just that. Garoutte reported. The second pile contained a 16-foot log chain essential to the contractor's business.

It can't be replaced. POLO KNIT SHIRTS Air Force Mechanics Are Given Promotions WTr.HTTA FALLS. Texas. Oct. 16- $125 6 to 14 Fnlly lined with belts The children largely ignored the collection mnde for them.

Garoutte The wide snaees here in (he middle west arc something to think about when one contemplates normalizing the whole gas rationing system. Pauls Valley Pupils Net 100 Tons in Day PAULS valley. Oct. 16. (Special.) Pauls Valley school students, some l.ioo in number, turned out in a body with the teachers Thursday and brought in to the school grounds well over 100 tons of scrap.

Under the leadership of Superintendent Dave Phillips and the school principals, even- foot of space in the citv was thorouch 1 gr0Ups of students for School children were to work on bvincinc in m.i i KNIT SUITS and convertible hood col said, adding he will protest to the mechanic ratings by air forces, more than 1.600 men at Sheppard field. school principal. lam. Rich colors, Tl greatest values. Sizes to 18.

mostly instructors, recelvefl promo tive Pridav. tvipv included: 21 master sergeants. 110 tpphnieal sereeants. 468 staff rls the Best Weapon to Use fori ITTirl L- CklCMICCAj Undershirti and Shorts 29C Ranger Ribbed Slack Lined Jr. BELTS SOCKS CHAINS GLOVES SWEATERS 5Qc 25c 49c $1 sergeants.

567 sergeants and 478 corporals. Each man now will receive Rats. Mice and co*ckroaches I specialist. ral districts Friday and Saturday. The one-day drive was a huge success in the town, with merchants closing their stores and going to the country for contributions.


The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.